Interstitial Cystitis This is My Life Now

Oct 27


I had a huge decision to make this week. It was very stressful.!!! As some of you may know I needed more hours at the computer store. I was working only a few hours a week doing the bookkeeping. But the hours were just not there for me at the beginning and I understood that. They in turn understood that I would be looking for other work in hopes of working two places with enough combined hours to pay my bills.

As it turned out, I had a job offer at a big, local car dealership  for a full-time position. I thought the people there would be great to work with and I felt like a part of their family after my job interview. You know how sometimes everything just clicks and it seems like a good fit??!! Well that is the way I felt!!

However, a few days later,  I was offered more hours at the computer store, since business has increased.  I knew that I would have more flexibility there so I decided to stay. I am making a lot less money than I was making before I was diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis…about half as much. But as I told my Mama, this is my life now.

I am also making a lot less than I was offered at the car dealership, but I would also be working more hours. My decision was based on many factors. If I stay at the computer repair store, I will have more time to spend on praying, reading and studying my Bible. I will have more time to spend on my Small Group that meets at my house every Sunday night for Bible study. I will also have more time to spend with my Mama when she comes over to my house to help me clean every Friday morning. I will have more time to spend growing my Avon business. And I will not have to go straight to bed everyday when I come home from work with pure exhaustion from working eight hours. Also if I am working fewer hours I hope to feel like spending more time with my husband in the evening. All of these things are very important to me!!!

For me right now, I think I have made the best decision. Who knows what may happen later on in my life, but for now, I have faith that God will watch over me; take good care of me and bless me. And I pray that I am a blessing to those I work with and those that I have contact with on a daily basis.

I have had the burden of seeking employment for months now. This song is about laying down your burdens…we all have burdens!! This song talks about letting go of your burdens; seeking His face, coming as you are and letting the rescue begin! I hope you will take the time to listen to this beautiful song by David Crowder. The lyrics are below.

“Come As You Are”

Come out of sadness
From wherever you’ve been
Come broken hearted
Let rescue begin
Come find your mercy
Oh sinner come kneel
Earth has no sorrow
That heaven can’t heal
Earth has no sorrow
That heaven can’t heal

So lay down your burdens
Lay down your shame
All who are broken
Lift up your face
Oh wanderer come home
You’re not too far
So lay down your hurt
Lay down your heart
Come as you are

There’s hope for the hopeless
And all those who’ve strayed
Come sit at the table
Come taste the grace
There’s rest for the weary
Rest that endures
Earth has no sorrow
That heaven can’t cure

So lay down your burdens
Lay down your shame
All who are broken
Lift up your face
Oh wanderer come home
You’re not too far
So lay down your hurt
Lay down your heart
Come as you are
Come as you are
Fall in his arms
Come as you are
There’s joy for the morning
Oh sinner be still
Earth has no sorrow
That heaven can’t heal
Earth has no sorrow
That heaven can’t heal

So lay down your burdens
Lay down your shame
All who are broken
Lift up your face
Oh wanderer come home
You’re not too far
So lay down your hurt
Lay down your heart
Come as you are
Come as you are
Come as you are

No More Pain

Oct 19

There were hundreds of strangers that quickly became a source of comfort as I greeted them coming through the receiving line. Some faces were familiar. Some where faces I knew long ago. I was surrounded by many family members on either side of me. There was a long line of a husband, a mother, children, brothers and their wives, grandchildren, nieces and nephews.. A few feet away was my sister-in-law who looked so peaceful  now that she was with her Master.

He called her home long before we wanted to let her go, but His timing is perfect and His will is just. That doesn’t mean we didn’t all shed tears of sorrow. We didn’t want her to leave us, but now she is in a perfect place and she has no more pain.

She fought a long, hard battle against cancer. A fight for her life. A life that she wanted to continue. She wanted to attend her children’s weddings. She wanted to be there for the birthday parties of her grandchildren. She wanted to grow old with her dedicated husband. But it was not meant to be. She tried to make the best all of the moments that she was able to share with her family.

Cathy was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer seven years ago. The doctors told her that she would have to give up the job that she worked so hard to pursue. She was a RN in labor and delivery at the local hospital. She went back to school later in life when her kids were older and earned a degree in Nursing.

We all have good memories of Cathy. I know that she touched the lives of many in a positive way. She was a Christian. She continued to go to her church even on the bad days when she did not feel like going. But she was loyal to her Lord and Savior.

She had the blessing of a devoted caregiver in her husband of thirty years.  When it was time for chemo treatments in another state, he would take time off from work and drive her to her appointments.  When he did have to go to work he would call her throughout the day just to make sure she was okay and to show his love and dedication. He spent many, many nights in the hospital and Hospice House without ever going home. He was always by her side.

He was not her only loving caregiver. Her mother who has health issues of her own did as much as she could. She went many times on the trips for the chemo treatments. She helped with much of the paperwork and insurance filings. She spent much of her time at doctor’s appointments and in the hospital with her. She enjoyed spending time helping with her baby girl.

Her daughter was a loyal caregiver who helped in so many ways. She and her family spent much time at Cathy’s house to help and show their love. She was also blessed with three sons and their families who helped and loved her very much. Her four brothers and their wives would make visits and phone calls to spend time with her. She was a special lady.

As I struggle in my own battles with Interstitial Cystitis; Fibromyalgia; IBS; Pelvic Floor Dysfunction; Vuvodynia; Restless Leg, Insomnia, etc. I could relate to some of the pain, nausea and pure exhaustion that Cathy experienced. We became closer through our trials and I am so glad I got to know her better over the last few years.

Hebrews 12 1b

I’m in a battle in my own life. I picture a race in my mind with encouraging spectators.  I am running toward Jesus and I try to keep my eyes on the Lord. There are so many obstacles in the way….fear, selfishness, lack of focus and just plain ole feeling sorry for myself. In this race I can see Isiah, Abraham and Moses on the sides cheering me on to the finish.

Now when I look up into the stands of this race arena, I see Cathy telling me not to give up but to keep my eyes on Jesus. She is telling me to run the race with endurance and I too will receive my heavenly rewards.

Cathy Kirkland
1963 – 2014 |

 lung cancer

God’s Not Dead

Sep 22

It was a blazing hot Sunday in the south. We were headed to a baseball game to cheer for the Atlanta Braves. It had been planned for months, but I was in an Interstitial Cystitis (IC) flare and I wasn’t sure how I was going to feel.

We were going to meet a church group at the game on Sunday. I also wanted to make it a family visit trip, so I invited my Mama to go with me and my husband. We stayed in the small town of Canton. It was perfectly situated north of Turner Field for the game on Sunday and south of the mountains of Northern Georgia were my brother lives. We meet him for dinner on Saturday evening. He took us to the Pink Pig Barbeque for some good ole’ homemade fiddles. It was good to see him even if was a short visit. Mama was able to visit with my brother more on Sunday while we were at the game.

Sunday evening we met the church group at the stadium about 7:30. We had really good seats near the outfield. Very good seats for trying to catch a home run ball. In fact a lady about four rows in front of us had the pleasure of catching a homer that bounced up. She handed it to very happy young boy. I’m sure it made her day and his too!


It was fun sitting with our group talking, doing the Tomahawk chop, the wave and singing the baseball classic “Take Me Out To The Ballgame” together. After the game there was a concert. We were going to be facing the back of the stage. My husband and I jumped up to find better seats. We had to wait on the rest of our group to be convinced that we should move. After a few minutes, our group of about twenty-five headed to the seats behind home base.

They had announced that there was about 42,000 people in attendance for the game. About half of them were leaving after the game. We were going against the majority of the traffic. And by the time we got there, most of the seats were gone, unless we split up into smaller groups.

We decided on some seats in the nosebleed section to the right of the stage. We couldn’t see very well or understand what they were saying. Oh, by the way the band was the Newsboys. I have been going to rock and country concerts all my life. This was the first Christian concert I have ever been to and I didn’t know what to expect. I thought everyone might be sitting in their seats and not dancing around like I normally do.

I’m usually the crazy lady that makes her way down to the front of the stage for every concert. It was sort of a hobby of mine, until I was diagnosed with IC. Then I lost my desire to go to any type of concert. Come to think of it I have lost my desire to do a lot of the things I used to do.

I was not happy sitting so far away. I convinced my husband that we should try to find closer seats. I told Amy, our Pastor’s wife, that we were moving closer and we might not make it back. She said “Don’t come back. Go enjoy yourselves!”

We moved to some seats that were much closer and slightly to the left of home base. Most of the people around us were standing and singing along. It was awesome!! I was able to sing and dance around like I usually do at concerts…well not quit as much, but I still had fun!

I remember looking up to the clouds in the night sky and thanking God for giving me such a blessing. It was just what I needed to boost my spiritual life. There is just something special about singing and praising God along with about 20,000 of my friends in Christ. I thought the concert was great. I enjoyed the whole trip. It was a good time to spend time with my family, my friends and the Lord. I was still in an IC flare, but I just took some pain pills and kept on going.

The Newsboys sing several good songs. They have been around since the eighties. I have only recently started really listening to their music. Of the the best songs off of their new CD is “We Believe.” They are probably best known for the song “God’s Not Dead.” I’m going to provide a link to both, so you can tell me which one you like the best. All of those people singing along at that concert confirmed to me that God’s Not Dead He IS living on the inside, roaring like a lion!

Let me know your favorite song below.

Double Whammy!

Sep 08

A couple of weeks ago my Saturday started out good. I was enjoying doing a few small cleaning tasks around the house (yes, I DO enjoy cleaning), washing clothes and paying bills. By the afternoon I felt terrible. My bladder was burning, I felt like I had knives in my back and I ached all over my body. I figured I had just overdid that day.

The next day I got up, took a pain pill and went to church. By the end of the service, I felt bad again. I went home and slept for three hours. When I woke up I was willing to take some more pain pills, go eat and buy groceries with Alan since that is our usual routine on Sundays. I didn’t realize that he was very tired and not interested in buying groceries like we normally do. I was relieved, but I knew that I would have to go sooner or later.

By Monday I was convinced I was in an Interstitial Cystitis (IC) flare. I felt awful, but I knew that I needed to buy some groceries. I felt so bad that I didn’t want to go to the grocery store, but I thought it would be the best thing to do.

I began to mentally break down. I felt so alone. I needed help and I didn’t know who to reach out to. I text my daughter and asked her if she was at work and she said yes. I began to cry and feel sorry for myself. At that very moment, I received a text from my Pastor. Since I volunteer at the church office, I do some of the typing for the newsletter, etc. He wanted me to be thinking of the newsletter and what we needed to add to it. I immediately felt better mentally. It was good to know that I was needed. I think when you are in pain all the time, it wears you down mentally. And at some point you break down. It wasn’t just one thing that bothered me, it was a combination of things. I know that at these moments Jesus is by my side, but I’m too desperate to even notice.

Later on that same day I went to the doctor. I cried most of the way there, but I had my radio on to try to cheer me up. I heard a commercial on HIS radio. The female owner of a car dealership told how her granddaughter wakes up every day and says “This is the day the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it.” She said this is easy to do when things are going your way, but harder to do when it’s not. I felt like she was talking directly to me. Every moment of every day is a gift from God. I should keep my focus on him and all the good things that He has given me and not focus on the bad things.

Psalm 118 24

I told my doctor all of my symptoms and he wanted to start me on antibiotics just in case it was a bladder infection. I didn’t want to take antibiotics if I didn’t need them so I told him that I just wanted a bladder instillation. I was pretty sure it was an IC flare. I think it is a good idea to make sure you have an infection before you start taking antibiotics. I have heard and read that taking them to often can make you immune to them.

After I get an instillation, I usually go home and lie down. But I knew I needed to go to the grocery store. It was not what I felt like or wanted to do all at, but I went. I happened to see a FedEx driver that delivers to the computer store where I work. (of course I would see someone that I knew) He said what are you doing out of work so early? I said I took a sick day. I know what he was thinking. “You don’t look sick!” But I told him I felt awful and I did! I couldn’t wait to get home and go to bed!!

By Wednesday I was still in a lot of pain. I wanted so badly to go to church that morning and work on the Newsletter and then go to morning Bible study, but I knew I didn’t have enough strength to do all that and go to work and go to Bible study that night. So I rested until time for me to go to work. I went to church that night, but I was still not feeling well.

I decided to call the doctor’s office on Friday to get the results of my culture and they were negative. I didn’t need the antibiotics at all this time. I am convinced it was an IC flare combined with a Fibromyalgia flare…a double whammy.

About ten days later I started feeling better. It was a difficult experience to go through with lots of pain and not being able to enjoy the experiences of life that I usually take for granted, such as going to work, volunteering at the church or going to Bible study. I realized through all of my suffering that even a simple text to someone can make them feel better when they are having a bad time, especially if it is a double whammy day! I also was reminded to be thankful for all the good things I have and do.

Beautiful Angel

Aug 24

All summer long I have been involved in a Discipleship Training group at my church. The goal of this group is to build relationships with others and help lead others to become Disciples. A Disciple is one that is following Jesus, who is being changed by Him and is committed to being on mission for Christ to make more disciples. As we make more disciples we also form new groups.

As part of training in this group we divided up into pairs and told a Bible story to a small group. Then we asked questions and discussed the story. In my group we had two very sweet couples. I told the story and Ed asked most of the questions and even went more in depth with the story. He is a Bible scholar compared to me. But in order to learn you have to start somewhere, so I try to learn as much as I can.

As we discussed the story of Jesus asking Peter, James and John to follow Him, Jesus also told them He would make them fishers of men. Somehow we got on the subject of Christians not having a perfect life. Some people think that all Christians go around smiling and praising God all the time..not so! Christians go through the same struggles and heartaches that everyone does we just know that we always have Jesus helping us.

I remember looking at one couple in particular who was going through a very difficult time in their lives. I said they had no idea they would both have cancer at the same time. As I looked at him through his teary eyes, I said no matter what you always know that Jesus is by your side!

A few weeks later when we were in our Discipleship Training group, our Pastor received a phone call. It was the husband of the couple that has cancer. She was in the hospital with complications with her heart and the doctors said there was nothing more they could do.

We decided to leave immediately and go visit this family. Fist we stopped at their house and talked and prayed with the husband. Then we went to the hospital to visit the wife and her daughter. There was four of us and we gathered around her bed. She grabbed my hand and with her very weak voice she told us that she ready. She was ready to be taken off all the machines and ready to meet her Maker. As she was saying some of the last words she would ever say, she also asked how others in the church were doing. She was always thinking of others.

She knew she was going to heaven so she asked if she could peak around the clouds and check on us every once in a while. She told me that I did a beautiful job the night I lead the Bible study. Tears began to flow down my checks. I knew that was the last time that she was able to go to church. I felt so blessed that God used me to speak to her about His love that night. I also knew this would be the last time that I would see her alive. When it was time to leave I hugged her and told her that she was going to make a beautiful angel. I hugged her one more time because it was hard to let go of such a sweet and thoughtful person.

As we walked back to our cars, I was still crying. I didn’t want to let her go. I didn’t want God to have her yet. I know it was selfish, but it was truly how I felt at the time. A few days later heaven received their beautiful angel. Her life on earth was done, but her kindness and thoughtfulness will be missed by many.

She sounded so confident and sure when she said she was ready. She was ready for her new home and her new healthy body. She deserved it and we had to let her go. Sometimes when I look up in the sky on a beautiful sunny day I wonder if she peaking around a cloud and smiling down on me.

I dedicate this blog post to the memory of my sister in Christ Sandra McClain.

Faking It

Aug 11

For the last several months, I have been going to a Discipleship Leader training class. We meet at our church every Wednesday night. A couple of weeks ago I was at one of the meetings. I was feeling fine until…I could feel the Fibromyalgia fog take over my body. As I sat in the meeting one of the first symptoms was extreme fatigue. Then I could feel it taking over my mind. All I could think about was getting out of this meeting, going home and going to bed.

It was so disappointing because I really enjoy these meetings. I feel that we all are growing closer to the Lord through this experience. I also feel we are getting to know each other on a more personal level. I look forward to these meetings all week long. But there I was, wanting it to be over as soon as possible.

Another symptom that had peaked during the start of my flare was my Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS). I was completely out of my medication for the RLS. I had been having trouble sleeping for a couple of days. If you are not familiar with RLS I will try to describe it. RLS make me feels like I have something running through my veins that needs to come out. I cannot be still. I HAVE to keep moving. It is a terrible feeling!! When I am trying to go to sleep at night is when it usually bothers me the most. I cannot lie still in the bed. I have to get up. I usually do some stretches for about twenty-thirty minutes and then most of the time I can get to sleep. Symptoms usually occur when I have not moved for long periods of time, such as sitting or riding in a car.

As soon as our meeting was over, I went home; ate supper; took a warm bath and went to bed. I slept for thirteen hours. No, not thirteen hours straight because I woke up a couple of times, but sleeping for the most part. When I woke up I felt weak. I ached from my head to my toe. Even my hair was hurting my head. It hurt to touch my head. Cool air from the air conditioner hurt my skin. The breeze from the ceiling fan hurt my skin. My glasses touching me hurt my face.

I felt like I had the flu, but it is worse to me because my skin was so sensitive and hurt so much. If I had the flu I would stay in bed and not go anywhere. However; with a Fibromyalgia flare, I just have to keep going.

1 peter 1:6-7

My daughter, Miranda, called me and wanted me to meet her at a car dealership where she was looking at a new car. I had been resting around the house most of the day, but I went ahead and got ready to go meet her. I wanted to wear a cute, cropped pair of pants. I put them on and took them off immediately. They hurt when they touched my skin. I found a loose, silky pair of pants and a silky shirt. It was the only outfit I could tolerate. I put on my happy face and headed to meet Miranda and her husband, Vince.

When we finished with the car, they took me to lunch. We ate and talked for a while. I enjoyed being with them, but I still felt lousy. Then I went to the computer store where I help out a little and worked for about three hours.

The next day when I saw Vince he asked how I was doing. I said that I was better than yesterday. He said that I looked fine yesterday and I must have been faking it. I said, yes, I just kept going and faked it. I didn’t feel better until Sunday, so I had to fake it for a few days. I really don’t like the word “fake,” so I looked for a better word. I came up with “pseudo.” The dictionary definition is “not actually but having the appearance of.” So when I am in a fibro flare, I am pseudo-feeling good and I appear to be a healthy person.

I know that God sometimes sends affliction and pain to strengthen our faith. So though I do have difficult days. I feel that my faith and trust in the Lord have been growing and for me this makes all the pain and suffering worth it!

Big Brother

Jul 23

My family had a birthday celebration at my house during the Fourth of July holiday. We had a cookout and celebrated June and July birthdays. We all enjoyed spending time with each other and honoring the birthday guys and gals.

My youngest brother, Scotty, asked if I wanted to come over to his house afterward. I said, Yes! So Anthony, my oldest brother, and I followed Scotty to his house. It had been way too long since I had been to his house and I was looking forward to seeing his wife, since she is home bound. It had been longer than I would like to mention since I had seen her, though I had talked to her on the phone several times.

While we were at their house, Anthony showed Scotty how to burn some of Scotty’s music files onto a CD. I took notes for Scotty, since he is not that familiar with computers. I told Anthony that maybe we could make a career out of this. We could make house calls and train people to use computers. Anthony could provide instructions and I could type notes on my laptop and print it out for them before we leave…Assistant to my brother on the road…another dream job of mine…see blog posts “Priceless,” and “Beach Bum” for other dream jobs of mine.

Scotty plays acoustic, classical guitar. He has urged me often to learn and play. He is self-taught and plays beautifully. He has even written some original music.

I wanted to show Scotty some things on the computer too. I worked at a computer repair shop and I know a few things about computers, so I had to put my two cents’ worth into the mix.

Anthony and Scotty are highly intelligent, spiritual and talented people. They both play guitar, thus my on- and off-again, love/hate relationship with my own desire to play the guitar. I took lessons about ten years ago, but I really stink at playing the guitar…it is very hard work and I am not naturally talented at playing, like my brothers. My guitar mostly serves as decoration as it “gently weeps” because it is not being played to its’ full potential.


The Beatles-While My Guitar Gently Weeps

After a short visit, Anthony and I made our way home. We decided to take a different route than we came. It was dark outside as we were leaving my brother’s neighborhood. There was also an overabundance of people in the street, shooting fireworks, celebrating the Fourth of July. I was driving and all of these things made me a little nervous.

As we were riding along, we saw more and more people on the street shooting loud fireworks. I soon realized that we were “Not in Kansas anymore.” We were not on the way home…we were lost!! I felt anxious!! I don’t drive at night much; all the people on the streets, the noise of the fireworks and now we are lost!! I did have a small panic attack. However, I decided to turn around and go back the way we came. When we were at the spot where we made our mistake, we simply turned the other way and we were on the right track.
Not in Kansas

Anthony said in an email to me, “As for getting lost, in guy terms we weren’t really lost, just riding around a bit before going home. No need to panic….” Yeah, easy for him to say, but I did feel a bit panicked. I explained to him on the way home that now that I have Interstitial Cystitis and Fibromyalgia, etc., etc., I tend to panic more. I explained that I am learning to recognize when I am panicked and try some deep breathing techniques to help. It doesn’t always work, but it is certainly worth a try!

It was a good to spend time with my Big Brother and I enjoyed the ride home. Anthony and I have become closer over the last couple of years. We have developed a loving bond for each other that we never had until recently.

He suffers from chronic pain; he loves music; he is devoted to the Lord; and he has a passion for writing. All of these things, both the good and the bad, must have made us realize we have a lot in common. Since I have been sick with Interstitial Cystitis, I starting blogging to encourage others. He has been the main source of encouragement to keep me motivated to write.

He guides me in my struggles with pain; he inspires me on my journey with the Lord; he even futility tries to boost my love for practicing guitar. He keeps me focused on my writing. Like a proud Big Brother, he wants me to be better at it. He wants me to stretch myself and be successful. I am thankful for his encouragement more than he will ever know. I thank God for my Big Brother!

I am thankful for two intellectually gifted and inspiring brothers!

Beach Bum

Jul 07

Twenty-eight years is a long time. Then add five years of dating. I have been with this man for most of my life. And if you add in the fact that we were in the third grade together, then we have been together since we were about nine years old.

We wanted to do something for our wedding anniversary, but the budget is tight right now. We both came up with the same idea. A day trip to the beach. That is absolutely one of my most favorite things to do in the world. Alan enjoys it too. We have been going to the beach together since I was seventeen years old.

I had checked the forecast and knew there was a chance of rain on the day we planned to go. I thought it would be fine just as long as we are together. I enjoyed spending time with and talking to Alan on our way there, but I was disappointed that the sun had decided not to even make an appearance…okay, I was actually silently pouting about it. This was our celebration time together and I didn’t want it to be cloudy or for us not to have maximum enjoyment from this trip.

Since it was bothering me, I began to pray that if it was God’s will that the sun would come out for a while. Sure enough as we were traveling down the road God’s beautiful sunshine was all around us.

As we made our way down the trail to the beach I could see more of God’s beauty all around me. The trees, many, many birds and…the ocean! God had poured His blessings out on me. We immediately took a walk down the beach. Then we both settled down in our chairs to read our books under our beach umbrella.

Sunset Isle of Palms
Sunrise at the Isle of Palms….Beautiful!

After we settled in our chairs again after the second walk, I said “Was that a rain drop?” We both ignored it and went back to reading. A few minutes later there were more drops and then we saw groups of people scamper from the beach shores. While some of us decided to try to wait it out under our umbrellas.

But the wind was blowing making me cold in the rain. And there was that tiny little thing called thunder that really encouraged us to pack it up and head to the car. Even though I would have loved to stay out on the beach, getting soaked in the rain made me happy. It took me back to my childhood, because I never want to go outside when it is raining now. It makes my hair frizzy even with an umbrella!(I am such a girly girl!)

We hurried to the car where there was dry towels, water to rinse off with and shelter from the rain. There was so much traffic that we decided to wait out the rain. Then when the rain stopped Alan said “Do you want to take another walk out on the beach?” Do I??!! Of course I do!! This man really knows my heart. I never want to leave the beach when it is time to go and I am always ready for one more walk on the beach!

After we left, we stopped at a restaurant to eat. And of course I had to go to the little girls room. While I was in there I looked in the mirror and immediately thought…beach bum. I looked like a beach bum. My hair was flat from the towel I put over my head in the rain. But it looked okay for the beach. That is another dream job of mine…Beach Bum. I think it would be great to live at the beach. Of course I would want to live in a house and just be a Beach Bum during the day! Lol

This whole trip reminded me of water….the beach, the rain and God pouring out His blessings on us. Jesus wants us to come to Him to satisfy our inner thirst or our desire for a deeper understanding of Him and His word. As this verse points out a person who believes in Jesus not only receives blessings, but they become a blessing to others. To receive these blessings we need to live out the Word of God in our daily lives. We need to read God’s Holy Word, study His Word and share His Word with others.

I definitely felt God pouring his blessings out on me that day. I just hope and pray that I am a blessing to others!


Beach Bum

Jul 07

Twenty-eight years is a long time. Then add five years of dating. I have been with this man for most of my life. And if you add in the fact that we were in the third grade together, then we have been together since we were about nine years old.

We wanted to do something for our wedding anniversary, but the budget is tight right now. We both came up with the same idea. A day trip to the beach. That is absolutely one of my most favorite things to do in the world. Alan enjoys it too. We have been going to the beach together since I was seventeen years old.

I had checked the forecast and knew there was a chance of rain on the day we planned to go. I thought it would be fine just as long as we are together. I enjoyed spending time with and talking to Alan on our way there, but I was disappointed that the sun had decided not to even make an appearance…okay, I was actually silently pouting about it. This was our celebration time together and I didn’t want it to be cloudy or for us not to have maximum enjoyment from this trip.

Since it was bothering me, I began to pray that if it was God’s will that the sun would come out for a while. Sure enough as we were traveling down the road God’s beautiful sunshine was all around us.

As we made our way down the trail to the beach I could see more of God’s beauty all around me. The trees, many, many birds and…the ocean! God had poured His blessings out on me. We immediately took a walk down the beach. Then we both settled down in our chairs to read our books under our beach umbrella.

Sunset Isle of Palms
Sunrise at the Isle of Palms….Beautiful!

After we settled in our chairs again after the second walk, I said “Was that a rain drop?” We both ignored it and went back to reading. A few minutes later there were more drops and then we saw groups of people scamper from the beach shores. While some of us decided to try to wait it out under our umbrellas.

But the wind was blowing making me cold in the rain. And there was that tiny little thing called thunder that really encouraged us to pack it up and head to the car. Even though I would have loved to stay out on the beach, getting soaked in the rain made me happy. It took me back to my childhood, because I never want to go outside when it is raining now. It makes my hair frizzy even with an umbrella!(I am such a girly girl!)

We hurried to the car where there was dry towels, water to rinse off with and shelter from the rain. There was so much traffic that we decided to wait out the rain. Then when the rain stopped Alan said “Do you want to take another walk out on the beach?” Do I??!! Of course I do!! This man really knows my heart. I never want to leave the beach when it is time to go and I am always ready for one more walk on the beach!

After we left, we stopped at a restaurant to eat. And of course I had to go to the little girls room. While I was in there I looked in the mirror and immediately thought…beach bum. I looked like a beach bum. My hair was flat from the towel I put over my head in the rain. But it looked okay for the beach. That is another dream job of mine…Beach Bum. I think it would be great to live at the beach. Of course I would want to live in a house and just be a Beach Bum during the day! Lol

This whole trip reminded me of water….the beach, the rain and God pouring out His blessings on us. Jesus wants us to come to Him to satisfy our inner thirst or our desire for a deeper understanding of Him and His word. As this verse points out a person who believes in Jesus not only receives blessings, but they become a blessing to others. To receive these blessings we need to live out the Word of God in our daily lives. We need to read God’s Holy Word, study His Word and share His Word with others.

I definitely felt God pouring his blessings out on me that day. I just hope and pray that I am a blessing to others!



Jun 23

My sister is going to a wedding next week. She asked me to help her find a dress.  It is a formal wedding, but we decided that she should just buy a nice dress that she can wear again after the wedding.

I had asked her to do some “pre-shopping.” Pre-shopping is what I do to save time and money.  I told her to go to a couple of websites and check out their dresses.  That way she would know which store has the best selection for what she is looking for.  If we know ahead of time where we are going, we can also look for coupons for that particular store to save money.

She came by house first and we discussed our plans. Then I packed my stuff into her van and we drove to a larger city about an hour away from where we live.  Since I had also “pre-shopped” for her, I knew that we needed to head straight to Belk…it was in the mall…dun,dun, duuun! Click below for the actual sound effect.

I don’t shop much in malls any more.  Too much walking…it wears me out.  We were fortunate that Belk has its’ own entrance making that daunting task much easier!

When we walked in neither of us knew which direction to go, so I just started walking.  By the time we found the right department I was already beginning to feel weary.  However; I have noticed that if my mind is focused on a task that I enjoy; such as shopping, I am more likely not to focus on the pain.  Apparently that even works when I am helping someone else shop.

I used to “love” to go shopping before I was diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis (IC), Fibromyalgia, Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and Vuvodyndia.  Now my shopping trips are few and far between.

Once we found the right department, I began to suggest dresses and grabbing the ones she liked. Then I saw the clearance racks…ahhHHHH! Clearance racks are a shoppers dream come true…if you can find your size!

Well, we were having a good day because we found several in her size and she tried on all of them. None of them were “the one.” So I told her we needed to go back to the clearance rack one and find something. She said she was ready for lunch and so was I.  I told her that we needed to find a dress first.  We needed to complete our mission!

We went back to the racks and found the perfect dress for her. It was a mixed print dress in blues and purples and black. The matching short-sleeve jacket was made of a lightweight turquoise material. It has a flared bottom that lightly swishes when she walks. It will look great with some new black shoes. We both we very pleased…and hungry!

She suggested a nice Mexican restaurant across the street from the mall. I said that would be great since I had eaten there before and I knew what to order that would agree with my bladder. We both ordered our much over due lunch. She then told me she was going to pay for my lunch for my services. Boy, I wish I could do that for a living. A professional shopper that sounds like a good job for me!

After we ate we headed back home. It was a good day for me and I enjoyed spending the day with her. I hope that we will be able to do it again very soon.

Gas for shopping out of town $10.00, Dress on clearance rack $30.00, Spending the day with my wonderful sister Priceless!



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