My Peeps
Can you believe it is time for my 35th Year High School Reunion? Me neither! The Reunion started on Friday night with 3 different activities until Saturday night. I decided to reserve my energy and try to go to the last event on Saturday evening. It was a risky decision to wait until the last night and last event. This could have meant that I would not be feeling well enough to go, therefore missing it all. Or it could have been a very clever idea on my part that I had saved up what little physical energy that I had for that night.
Since I had decided to go for the latter, I was very disappointed when I woke up Saturday morning in a Crohn’s flare
This meant I not only didn’t feel well but that I was limited physically. After resting most of the day, I decided to go for it. I think the excitement and anticipation propelled me forward.
Fortunately, my husband was going with me and gave me his opinion on the finishing details about what jewelry looked best with my outfit and other little things that can make me feel very anxious. He is always very accommodating with things like that and it helps me to stay calmer.
When we arrived at the Reunion and I entered that shindig with more confidence than I ever had in all my years of attending school. I was always painfully shy when I was younger. I did many things to help me to get over my extreme shyness, including one topic of discussion for the night, about me and some of my friends dancing and lip-syncing to “You are the One That I Want” from the movie “Grease” in a Junior-High School talent show. I was supposed to be Olivia Newton John…wish I had a video of that one!
It was good to be where I felt like I fit right in…these were my peeps. These were people who looked like me, loved the same old songs and are in the same stage of life in many ways. Most of us are empty nesters at this point, some of them with grandchildren, but many of us describing ourselves starting off with where we work if we were married and so on.
It has caused me to pause and think about Have I learned Anything Since High School? Here is some of what I have learned:
- The relationship I have with the Lord is the most important one in my life and I want the same joy and peace that I have in the Lord for everyone that I meet.
- My career is important but has changed drastically over the years. I have learned that the closed doors, decisions I have made along my career path, and my health limitations were all part of a well-orchestrated plan that the Lord had for my life before the creation of the world…Amah-ZING!
- Love is still important to me. I am so thankful that there were people in my life praying for the wonderful husband that I would marry. Alan and I have enjoyed each other’s company since I invited him to the prom in 1981. We would go on to have one daughter who is a beautiful woman that encourages, motivates and inspires me to be a better person.
- I never dreamed that I would have all of the health issues that I have now. I was not particularly sickly as a child. I have also learned that the struggles I face with my health have brought me to a place where I want to be closer to the Lord.

I could not imagine what my life would be like when I was in High School, but I am thankful for all my peeps who have helped me to find my way to the God-fearing, wonderfully-made woman I am today.